Part 42: Operation Dystopian Soup
Operation Dystopian Soup
Important topics in this video: Sarsaparilla and the drinking there fore of. Unimportant topics in this video: everything else.
Honestly this mission is a little weird. It feels like the trigger to this mission was dunking Annette in the Psi tanks, since it popped up less than a week after her testing. If that is the case than, oops, my bad for not dunking her sooner. Because the enemy resistance met in this mission was just abysmal. Thin men and a few berserkers are just weak at this point in the game. I point it out in the video, but the difficulty of this mission is actually less than that for the first Portent mission. It's roughly the same number of thin men, but it comes much later in the game when my squad could feasibly wipe up about infinity thin men in a mission. In fact the whole three mission series seems to have a reverse difficulty curve. The first mission is by far the hardest. Running a gauntlet of 14 thin men very early on in the game. The second mission is my favorite. Well balanced difficulty, nice set piece, it all feels good. And the third is just kind of like getting a cookie and then finding out its bran and raisin, and stale. You come expecting a cool and challenging finale and all you get is a mission that would be the FPS equivalent of holding down 'W' and 'Mouse Button 1'.
Okay so kind of other important things to discuss. There are really only two more big missions to be done, but there is some preparation and maybe selection on who we should send into the end game. So lets talk about that. Once we build this 'Gollop Chamber' business, one of our psionic soldiers will need go in there and get all psionic with it. Who should we send? At the moment our only two Psi soldiers are Ricky Gunderson, and Tony White. We have Annette and those other jerks we rescued, but why use them when I haven't so far? And while I haven't been consulting you guys for mission teams until now, I thought maybe I'd take in some votes on who we should send to the final mission.